Governance and business integrity
Spilka is organized under Norwegian law with a governance structure based on Norwegian corporate law. We are committed to applying ethical business practices and compliance throughout our organization and supply chain.
Furthermore, Spilka is committed to adhering to and complying with fundamental environmental, social and governance principles. The Company is dedicated to sustainable growth and value long term profitability that correspond with proper environmental behaviour, social justice and corporate citizenship. To ensure sustainable growth the Company must consider its performance and impacts in the three key areas: environmental, social and governance (ESG issues).
Spilka believes that responsible value creation ultimately provides the best returns. Having sound procedures for ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) work, is an important part of Spilka’s strategy of maintaining a focus on this area – both in investment decisions and in terms of the company’s daily operations.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is built on Spilka's values, and with Spilka's policies and procedures and applicable laws and regulations, it provides the framework for what we consider responsible business conduct.
The Ethics Code of Conduct describes Spilka's commitment and requirements in connection with issues of an ethical nature that relate to business practice and personal conduct. The Ethics Code of Conduct applies to the organisation and to its individual employees, board members, hired personnel, consultants, intermediaries and others who act on Spilka's behalf.
We expect our employees to act responsibly with their colleagues, business partners and society. We are committed to act in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations. Fighting corruption is part of our social responsibility – we do not tolerate corruption in the private or public sector.
Being a responsible business partner means that we continuously engage, influence and work with our suppliers and business associates. The requirements cover issues related to environment, human rights, anti-corruption and working conditions, and are built upon the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international standards.
We interact with a variety of stakeholders, including our customers, competitors, suppliers, business partners, representatives, authorities, and local communities. We are committed to interacting with all of these groups in an ethical and legal manner, always demonstrating integrity in everything we do.
UNs Global Compact
In addition to the company’s ethical guidelines, the principles of the UN Global Compact are placed at the core of the company’s activities.
The UN Global Compact is based on ten principles related to human rights, employment standards, the environment and anticorruption.
”The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By doing so, business, as a primary driver of globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.” (https://www.unglobalcompact.or...)
Spilka supports these principles and uses them as the basis for its operations. It is important for Spilka as an international company that «third party» (including agents, suppliers, distributors) also conversant with these principles and base their activities on them. This is Spilka's aim in its monitoring and dialogue with third parties.